Ännu en lista som jag snott från Lovisas blogg
Pick a band and use their song titles as the answers to the questions
01. The band: Red Hot Chilipeppers
02. Are you male or female? Slow Cheetah
03. Describe yourself: Soul to Squeeze
04. How do some people feel about you? Make You Feel Better
05. How do you feel about yourself? Storm In A Teacup
06. Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Warlocks
07. Describe where you want to be: 21st century
08. Describe what you want: Save the population
09. Describe how you live: Paralell Universe
11. Describe how you love: I Could Die For You
12. Share a few words of wisdom: Throw Away Your Television
01. The band: Red Hot Chilipeppers
02. Are you male or female? Slow Cheetah
03. Describe yourself: Soul to Squeeze
04. How do some people feel about you? Make You Feel Better
05. How do you feel about yourself? Storm In A Teacup
06. Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Warlocks
07. Describe where you want to be: 21st century
08. Describe what you want: Save the population
09. Describe how you live: Paralell Universe
11. Describe how you love: I Could Die For You
12. Share a few words of wisdom: Throw Away Your Television